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Emily K. Nguyen, Promporn Suksaranjit, Mohammad A. Bashir, Dennis J. Firchau, Milena A. Gebska, Decoding Postinfarction Left Ventricular Pseudoaneurysm, JACC: Case Reports, Volume 9, 2023, 101533, ISSN 2666-0849. Abstract: Recognizing true from pseudo left ventricular aneurysm after myocardial infarction is paramount to guide clinical management and determine need for surgical urgency.
Madeliene Stump; Deng Fu; Kamal Rahmouni T cell-specific deficiency in BBSome component BBS1 interferes with selective immune responses. PMID 36534590 PMCID PMC9844976 (available on 2024-02-01). American Journal of Physiology-Regulatory Integrative and Comparative Physiology 2023; R161-R170.
Day JR, Larson MC, Casulo C, Wang Y, Chihara D, Kahl BS, Martin P, Lossos IS, Orellana-Noia VM, Burack WR, Friedberg JW, Habermann TM, Cerhan JR, Flowers CR, Maurer MJ, Link BK; Outcomes and Prognostic Factors of Transformed Follicular Lymphoma: An Analysis from the LEO Consortium. Blood 2022; 140 (Supplement 1): 6642–6644.
Bond DA, Romancik J, Switchenko J, Berkowitz B, Day JR, Farooq U, Ayyappan S, Baird K, Churchman M, Pinella J, Portell C, Maddocks K, Link BK, Cohen J, Stephens DM.; Favorable Overall Survival Following First and Second Relapse of MCL with Availability of Novel Therapies: Results from the Lion Prospective Observational Registry. Blood 2022; 140 (Supplement 1): 6509–6511.
Casulo C, Larson M, Day JR, Habermann T, Lossos I, Wang Y, Nastopuil L, Strouse C, Chihara D, Martin P, Cohen J, Kahl B, Ruan J, Burak W, Koff J, Friedberg J, Cerhan J, Flowers C, Link B, Maurer M; Therapy for patients with POD24 follicular lymphoma: Treatment patterns and outcomes from the Lymphoma Epidemiology of Outcomes (LEO) Consortium. Journal of Clinical Oncology 2022 40:16_suppl, 7573-7573
Day JR, Larson MC, Casulo C, Wang Y, Chihara D, Kahl BS, Martin P, Lossos IS, Orellana-Noia VM, Burack WR, Friedberg JW, Habermann TM, Cerhan JR, Flowers CR, Maurer MJ, Link BK. Outcomes and Prognostic Factors of Transformed Follicular Lymphoma: An Analysis from the LEO Consortium. Accepted at American Society of Hematology 64th Annual Meeting and Exposition. (Presentation Dec 11, 2022)
Bond DA, Romancik J, Switchenko J, Berkowitz B, Day JR, Farooq U, Ayyappan S, Baird K, Churchman M, Pinella J, Portell C, Maddocks K, Link BK, Cohen J, Stephens DM.; Favorable Overall Survival Following First and Second Relapse of MCL With Availability of Novel Therapies: Results from the LION Prospective Observational Registry. Accepted at American Society of Hematology 64th Annual Meeting and Exposition. (Presentation Dec 11, 2022)
Schmidt N, Samara Y, Mei M, Huntington S, Di M, Day JR, Link BK, Sawalha Y, Karmali R, Bair S, Kamdar M, Win Myint Z, Grover N, Ayers E. Autologus Stem Cell Transplantation Outcomes in Relapsed/Refractory Follicular Lymphoma: A Multicenter Retrospective Analysis. Pan Pacific Lymphoma Conference, Kauai, Koloa, Hawaii July 2022
Casulo C, Larson M, Day JR, Habermann T, Lossos I, Wang Y, Nastopuil L, Strouse C, Chihara D, Martin P, Cohen J, Kahl B, Ruan J, Burak W, Koff J, Friedberg J, Cerhan J, Flowers C, Link B, Maurer M. Therapy for patients with POD24 follicular lymphoma: Treatment patterns and outcomes from the lymphoma epidemiology of outcomes (LEO) consortium. American Society of Clinical Oncology, Chicago, Illinois (presenter) June 2022
Rysavy M.Nationwide Children’s Hospital Grand Rounds (Jun 2021): What do we really know about intensive care for infants ≤23 weeks’ gestation?
Rysavy M.Stanford Prematurity Research Center (Jun 2021): Black swans: lessons from deviants in premature infant care
Rysavy M.Does Clinical Trial Evidence in Neonatology Expire? Case of the NICHD Vitamin A Trial (Podium Presentation) – Pediatric Academic Societies, Virtual Online Meeting (due to COVID-19 pandemic), 2021.
Rysavy M.The Changing Landscape of Care, Survival, and Neurodevelopmental Outcomes at ≤23 Weeks' Gestation – Pediatric Academic Societies, Virtual Online Meeting (due to COVID-19 pandemic), 2021.
Rysavy M, An Immature Science: Caring for Infants born at ≤23 Weeks’ Gestation (Topic Symposium Convener and Speaker) – Pediatric Academic Societies, Philadelphia, PA, 2020. Due to COVID-19, the conference was canceled.
Rysavy M.Heterogeneity of Effect of Vitamin A Therapy for Death or Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia among Very Low Birth Weight Infants: Re-analysis of a Clinical Trial (Poster) – Pediatric Academic Societies, Philadelphia, PA, 2020. Due to COVID-19, the conference was cancelled.
Rysavy M.Estimating the Effect of Vitamin A Therapy to Prevent Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia or Death in Very Low Birth Weight Infants Born Two Decades After a Clinical Trial (Poster) – Society for Pediatric and Perinatal Epidemiologic Research, Boston, MA, 2020. Due to COVID-19, the conference was cancelled.
Fecto F, Maljaars J, Oliveria D, Jones K, Policeni B, Cho T, Swenson A. Progressive Multifocal Leukoencephalophathy in an Immunocompetent Patient: A Rare Case with Radiologic-Pathologic Correlation. Program No. P4.9-026. American Academy of Neurology Annual Meeting 2019 Abstracts. Philadelphia, PA: American Academy of Neurology, 2019. Online. Neurology (in press).
Fecto F, Nopoulos P. Investigating the Cerebellar Substrates of Cognitive Impairment in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis. NINDS R25 Grantee Workshop 2019 Abstracts. UCLA, Los Angeles, CA.
Jacob Miller, Ellen van der Plas, Timothy R. Koscik, Vincent Magnotta, Laurie Gutmann, Peggy C. Nopoulos. Neural Correlates of Apathy in Myotonic Dystrophy Type 1. Poster Presentation. ACNP 2019. Orlando, FL.
Jacob Miller, Ellen van der Plas, Timothy R. Koscik, Vincent Magnotta, Laurie Gutmann, Peggy C. Nopoulos. Neural Correlates of Apathy in Myotonic Dystrophy Type 1. Poster Presentation. 2019 MDF Annual Conference. Philadelphia, PA.
Pinnaro C, Christensen GE, Curtis V. Pediatric residents’ experiences with type 1 diabetes (T1D) simulation. Pediatric Research Day Poster Session & Data Blast, University of Iowa Stead Family Children’s Hospital. April 2019
Subramani S, Lindaman C, Pinnaro C, Curtis V. The correlation between an ADHD diagnosis and BMI in cardiometabolic clinic patients. Pediatric Research Day Poster Session. University of Iowa Stead Family Children’s Hospital. April 2019.
Pinnaro C, Christensen GE, Curtis V. Pediatric Residents’ Experiences with Type 1 Diabetes Simulation. Pediatric Endocrine Society/Pediatric Academic Societies. April 2019.
Robinson KM, Scherer A, Laroche HH. Patient experiences of weight stigma: survey design. Poster Presentation. Presented at: The Obesity Society annual meeting (Obesity Week), November 2019.
Robinson KM, Simms A, Feng A, et al. Efficacy of an electronic provider alert in increasing HIV screening rates. Oral Presentation. Presented at: The Society of General Internal Medicine Regional Conference, September 2019.
Rysavy, M.A., NICHD Neonatal Research Network Steering Committee Meeting - Bethesda, MD, January, 2019. Presented to steering committee regarding proposal for observational data collection on extremely preterm births at 15 member sites. Proposal passed vote on scientific merit and budget allocation this spring.
Rysavy, M.A., Pediatric Academic Societies - Baltimore, MD, April, 2019. Presented selected research on outcomes and prenatal diagnosis of congenital diaphragmatic hernia.
Seyedin SN, Callaghan CM, Poellmann M, Bu J, Wang AZ, Hong S, Caster JM. Assessing changes in circulating tumor cells (CTCs) during preoperative chemoradiotherapy for gastrointestinal malignancies using a nanotechnology-based CTC capture system. Oral Presentation, ASTRO Annual Meeting 2019.
Callaghan CM, Seyedin SN, Mohiuddin I, Hawkes K, Anderson CM, Buatti JM, Milhem M, Monga V, Allen BG. The Role of Concurrent Stereotactic Body Radiation and Anti-PD-1 Therapy for Recurrent Metastatic Sarcoma. Poster Presentation, ASTRO Annual Meeting 2019.
Seyedin SN, Pham VN, Petronek M, Allen BG, Caster JM. Combining Stereotactic Body Radiation and PARP Inhibitors to enhance tumor immunogenicity of colorectal cancer cells. Poster Presentation, AACR Annual Meeting, 2019.
Shibbani, K & delRio, C, EM, & Meyerholz, DK & Gifford, LM, & Rohret, F, & Divekar, A, & Weiss, RM, & Ahmad, FA. Understanding Genomic Mechanisms of Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy in a Novel Minipig Model Poster. Presented at: Pediatric Academic Society, Baltimore, MD
Shibbani, K. Genomic Mechanisms of Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy Oral Presentation. Invited speaker, University of Iowa Pediatric Research Day, Iowa City, IA
Vanegas Calderon, O.G., Dike, C.R., Warren, B., Uc, A. Drug-Induced Pancreatitis (DIP) in a Pediatric Patient Following Acetaminophen Overdose. PancreasFest 2019. Pittsburgh, PA. July 2019.
Vanegas Calderon O.G., Rahhal R. 30% ethanol-2.8% citrate is as effective as 70% ethanol in preventing catheter-related bloodstream infections in pediatric intestinal failure. Pediatrics Research Day. Carver College of Medicine. University of Iowa, Iowa City, April 2019.
Wernimont SA, Rauckhorst AJ, Taylor EB. Metabolic control of placental development. Mechanisms of Metabolic Signaling. Cold Spring Harbor, NY. May, 2019
Wernimont SA, Sheng JS, Tymkowicz A, Fleener DK, Summers K, Syrop CH, Andrews JI. Cloud-based glucose monitoring for pregnancies with diabetes: Implication of testing adherence to perinatal outcomes. Society for Maternal Fetal Medicine Annual Meeting. Las Vegas, NV. February 2019.
Wernimont SA, "Management of Diabetes in Pregnancy: Controversies and Best Practices". Advances in Diabetes and Obesity Management. University of Iowa Carver College of Medicine. May 10, 2019.
Wernimont SA,"Diabetes, Hypertension and Obesity, Oh My!: Practical management of common obstetrical conditions". Iowa Conference on Perinatal Medicine. Des Moines, IA. April 3, 2019.
Wernimont SA, "Placenta Accreta Spectrum: The Iowa Experience". Obstetric Anesthesia Symposium. University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA. November 17, 2018.
Zhang Q, Jung D, Larson T, Kim YC, Narayanan NS. Scopolamine Causes Hyper-Stimulus-Processing in the Medial Prefrontal Cortex during an Interval Timing Task. International Lewy Body Dementia Conference, Las Vegas 2019.
Qiang Zhang, Dennis Jung, Denjamin DeCorte, Travis Larson, YoungCho Kim, Joel Geerling, Nandakumar Narayanan. Scopolamine Impairs Temporal Processing in the Medial Prefrontal Cortex during an Interval Timing Task. American Academy of Neurology Annual Meeting, Philadelphia 2019.
Vargas Buonfiglio L.G., Vanegas Calderon O.G., Gerke A.K., Polgreen P., Zabner J., Comellas A.P. American Thoracic Society International Conference. San Diego - May 2018
Vargas Buonfiglio L.G., Kraus S. J., Comellas A. P. Quantitative Computed Tomography in Diagnosing Emphysema. American Thoracic Society International Conference. San Diego, May 2018.
Li X., Vargas Buonfiglio L.G., Adam R., Stoltz D.A., Zabner J., Comellas A.P. Cystic Fibrosis Transmembrane Conductance Regulator Potentiation as a Therapeutic Strategy for Pulmonary Edema: A Proof-of-Concept Study in Pigs. American Thoracic Society International Conference. San Diego, May 2018.
Mendez-Ruiz A, Limaye K, Fecto F. Asymmetric hypoxic-ischemic brain injury in a patient with an acute subdural hematoma. Annual Sahs Symposium Poster Session 2018 Abstracts. University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA.
Fecto F, Harvard Dementia Course held in Boston, MA from May 30, 2018 - June 2, 2018.
Jonsdottir G, Lund SH, Bjorkholm M, Turesson I, Hultcrantz M, Porwit A, Jethava YS, Landgren O, Kristinsson SY. Risk Factors for Acute Myeloid Leukemia and Myelodysplastic Syndromes in Patients with Multiple Myeloma: An Updated Analysis. Presented at ASH 60th Annual Meeting and Exposition; San Diego, CA. 12/03/2018.
Gunnarsdotti H, Jonsdottir G, Gudmundsson J, Birgisson G, Sigurjonsdottir H. Saline Infusion Test for Primary Aldosteronism a 10-year Summary from Iceland. The 100th Endocrine Society´s Annual Meeting and Expo. Chicago. March 17-20, 2018.
Jacob Miller, Ellen van der Plas, Timothy R. Koscik, Vincent Magnotta, Laurie Gutmann, Peggy C. Nopoulos. Dec 12th 2018. Abnormal amygdala-striatal network relates to apathy in Myotonic Dystrophy 1. Poster Presentation. ACNP 2018. Hollywood, FL.
Jacob Miller, Ellen van der Plas, Timothy R. Koscik, Vincent Magnotta, Laurie Gutmann, Peggy C. Nopoulos. Dec 12th 2018. Abnormal amygdala-striatal network relates to apathy in Myotonic Dystrophy 1. Poster Presentation. 2018 MDF Annual Conference. Nashville, TN.
Morselli LL, Grobe JL. Role of arcuate angiotensin II receptor 1A in the regulation of resting metabolic rate. University of Iowa Fraternal Order of Eagles Diabetes Research Center Research Day 2018, March 1, 2018
Morselli LL, Grobe JL. Role of arcuate angiotensin II receptor 1A in the regulation of resting metabolic rate. University of Iowa Health Sciences Research Week 2018, April 16-19, 2018
Morselli LL, Gowda J, Howe J, Abel DE. A case of multiple endocrine syndrome type 1 presenting with hyperandrogenism. Endocrine Reviews Vol 39, Issue 2, April 2018. ENDO 2018, Chicago, IL March 17-20, 2018
Morselli LL, Schlechte JA, Molitch ME, Wass J, Biermasz NR. Master Clinician Session: What experts do. Challenging prolactinoma cases. ENDO 2018, Chicago, IL, March 20, 2018
Pinnaro C, Henry T, DesJardin L, Major H, Taghiyev A, Darbro B. Candidate Modifier Genes for Immune Function in 22q11.2 Deletion Syndrome. Pediatric Academic Societies. May 2018.
Roby Y, Associations Between STS Gene Polymorphisms and Risk of ADHD. IPS 2018: The Mental Health Services Conference.
Rysavy M.Evaluation of an Updated NICHD Extremely Preterm Birth Outcome Estimator in the Vermont Oxford Network (Poster) – Pediatric Academic Societies, Toronto, ON, 2018
Seyedin SN, Gannon MK, Plichta K, Allen BG. The Safety and Efficacy of SBRT for locoregional recurrences after prior chemoradiation for advanced esophageal carcinoma. Poster Presentation, ASTRO Annual Meeting, 2018.
Seyedin SN, Mott SL, Snow AN, Russo JK, M, Watkins JM. Not All Margins Are Created Equal: Impact of Prostate Cancer Margin Extent at Radical Prostatectomy on Biochemical Relapse-Free Survival. ASCO Genitourinary Cancer Symposium 2018.
Wernimont SA, Sheng JS, Fleener DK, Traore F, Syrop CH and Andrews JI. Is diabetes knowledge at initial prenatal visit associated with maternal and neonatal outcomes? American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists Annual Meeting. Austin, TX. April 2018
Wernimont SA, Sheng JS, Fleener DK, Traore F, Syrop CH and Andrews JI. Cellular enabled glucometer use in poorly controlled diabetes is associated with improved maternal glucose control in pregnancy. Society for Maternal Fetal Medicine Annual Meeting. Dallas, TX. January 2018
Zhang J, AAN 2018: Cholinergic modulation targeting medial prefrontal cortex leads to behavior deficit in interval timing task
Zhang J, University of Iowa Neurology Grand Round June 2018: Neuromodulation in Dementia with Lewy bodies
Zhang J, NINDS R25 workshop poster, Mar 2018: Cholinergic projections and cortical dysfunction: Neuromodulation in Lewy body dementia
Chan AC, Yuki K, Bormann N, Cramer EM, Chronis T, Gaul LN, Coon N, Heinzman J, Robles J, Sparr N, Cromwell JW, Weckmann M, Shinozaki G, 2017. Delirium is Associated with Increased Mortality in Hospitalized Inpatients. American Psychiatric Association annual meeting. San Diego, CA.
Coffey E, Burke C, Coira DL, Chan AC, Ramanuj P, Shinozaki G, Muskin PR, 2017. Co-Managed Inpatient Care: There Is More Than One Way to Skin a Cat ─ Case Presentation and Panel Discussion for Med-Psych Inpatient Care. American Psychiatric Association annual meeting. San Diego, CA.
Chan AC, Coffey E, Burke C, Coira DL, Muskin PR, Shinozaki G, 2017. Integrated Inpatient Care: Convergent Evolution from Five Institutions. Association of Medicine and Psychiatry annual meeting. Chicago, IL.
Fecto F, Gutmann L, Nopoulos P. Quantitative T1p biomapping in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis: protocol for an obersevational cross-sectional study. Annual Sahs Symposium Poster Session 2017 Abtracts. University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA.
Jonsdottir G, Lund SH, Bjorkholm M, Turesson I, Hultcrantz M, Porwit A, Jethava YS, Landgren O, Kristinsson SY. Acute myeloid leukemia (AML) and myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS) after multiple myeloma: assessment of risk factors. The 59th American Society of Hematology Annual Meeting and Exposition. Atlanta. December 8-11, 2017.
Karen Nelson, Jacob Miller. Sep 5th 2017. University of Iowa Psychiatry Department Grand Rounds. Behavior Basics: A Key to Effective Treatment. Iowa City, IA
Pinnaro C, Henry T, DesJardin L, Major H, Taghiyev A, Darbro B. Mutations in NCOR2 may be protective against immunodeficiency in 22q11.2 deletion syndrome. March 2017. Pediatric Research Day, University of Iowa Stead Family Department of Pediatrics
Rasmussen TP, Shantha GP, Giudici M. Temporary-permanent pacemakers: why they should be in your toolbox. American Heart Association. 2017 December; Anaheim (CA).
Rysavy MA, Plenary session speaker. “Controversies in Using Online Estimators for Prognostication.” Vermont Oxford Network Annual Quality Congress. 2017 Oct; Chicago (IL).
Rysavy M.Expanding the Frame—Outcomes Following Extremely Preterm Birth Beyond Neurodevelopmental Impairment (Poster) – Pediatric Academic Societies, San Francisco, CA, 2017.
Seyedin SN, Mallak N, Mott SL, Menda Y, Graham MM, Anderson, CM. The Role of 3 Month PET-CT after Definitive Radiation for Laryngeal carcinoma. ASTRO Annual Meeting 2017.
Seyedin SN, Mitchell DL, Russo K, Mott SL, Parkhurst JR, Smith MC, Buatti JM, Watkins JM. Does higher number of lymph nodes excised during radical prostatectomy improve biochemical relapse-free survival in patients with pT2-3a/pN0 prostate cancer? Poster Presentation. ASCO Genitourinary Cancer Symposium 2017.
Parkhurst JR, Seyedin SN, Mott S, Marquardt M, Menda Y, Sun W, Buatti JM, and Anderson CM. Do standardized uptake values on FDG PET/CT or white blood cell counts at various points in treatment correlate with relapse-free survival or overall survival in patients undergoing definitive radiation therapy for oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma? Oral Presentation, RSNA 2017.
Wernimont SA, Scroggins S, Santillan D and Santillan MK. Early Pregnancy CCL2, not Leptin, is associated with increased risk of preeclampsia in obese parturients. Society for Reproduction Investigations Annual Meeting. Orlando, FL. March 2017.
Zhang J, AAN 2017: Case Report: Posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome (PRES) associated with aseptic meningitis
Zhang J, Iowa Neurological Association Honorary lectureship: Sep 2017
Coffey E, Hilden DR, Burke C, Coira DL, Chan AC, Shinozaki G, Muskin PR, 2016. Co-managed Inpatient Care: There Is More Than One Way to Skin a Cat: Case Presentation and Consultative Workshop for Med-Psych Inpatient Care. Academy of Psychosomatic Medicine annual meeting. Austin, TX.
Kushtrim Ahmeti, Kreshnik Ahmeti, Jianhua Yan, Faisal Fecto, Nailah Siddique, Margaret Pericak-Vance, Han-Xiang Deng, Teepu Siddique. Whole Exome Sequencing of Familial ALS and Trios of Sporadic ALS to Identify New Genes Associated with ALS. American Academy of Neurology Vol 86 (16 Supplement), P5. 047
Yong Shi, Faisal Fecto, Y Taylan Esengul, Teepu Siddique, Han-Xiang Deng. “Dominant-Negative Effect” Mechanism in OPTN-E478G-Linked Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis. American Academy of Neurology Vol 86 (16 Supplement), S43. 004
Fecto F, American Neurological Association (ANA) 8th Annual Translational & Clinical Research Course held in Chicago, IL from July 10 - July 12, 2016.
Morselli LL, White K, Nadkarni P, Johnson K. Improving documentation of obesity at the Iowa River Landing Internal Medicine Clinic. University of Iowa 4th annual Quality Improvement and Patient Safety Symposium, Iowa City, IA, April 6, 2016.
WH Thiel, CL Esposito, DD Dickey, JP Dassie, ME Long, J Adam, J. Streeter, B Schickling, M Takapoo, KS Flenker, J Klesney-Tai, VD Franciscis, FJ Miller, PH Giangrande. Smooth Muscle Cell-targeted RNA Aptamer Inhibits Neointimal Formation. Mol Ther. 2016 Apr;24(4):779-87. doi: 10.1038/mt.2015.235. Epub 2016 Jan 6.
Salinas EA, Wernimont SA, TenNapel M, Domann F, Neff T, Gonzalez-Bosquet J and Goodheart MJ. Association Analysis of oxidative stress-related genes and endometrial cancer in The Cancer Genome Analysis. Society of Gynecologic Oncology Annual Meeting. San Diego, CA. March 2016.
Wernimont SA, Scroggins S, Santillan D and Santillan MK. Early gestation maternal plasma CCL2 predicts adverse pregnancy outcomes in obese parturients. Society for Reproduction Investigations Annual Meeting. Montreal, Canada. March 2016.
Kreshnik B Ahmeti, Jianhua Yang, Faisal Fecto, Lisa M Kinsley, Nailah A Siddique, Margaret A Pericak-Vance, Han-Xiang Deng, Yong-Chao Ma, Teepu Siddique. Whole Exome Sequencing Identifies Novel Variants and Pathways in Neurodegeneration Annals of Neurology Vol 78, Pg S113
Kreshnik B Ahmeti, Faisal Fecto, Kushtrim B Ahmeti, Yi Yang, Nailah Siddique, Jianhua Yang, Margaret Pericak-Vance, Han-Xiang Deng, Yong-Chao Ma, Teepu Siddique. Whole exome sequencing identifies new genes associated with sporadic trios in ALS. Program No. 92.15/BB23. Neuroscience 2015 Abstracts. Chicago, IL: Society for Neuroscience, 2015. Online.
Yong Shi, Faisal Fecto, Teepu Siddique, Han-Xiang Deng. “Dominant-negative effect” mechanism in OPTN-E478G-linked amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Program No. 159.22/P31. Neuroscience 2015 Abstracts. Chicago, IL: Society for Neuroscience, 2015. Online.
Salinas EA, Wernimont SA, Mapuskar KA, Szweda LI, McCormick ML, Gonzalez-Bosquet J, Spitz D and Goodheart MJ. Oxidative stress biomarkers and risk of endometrial cancer. Society of Gynecologic Oncology Annual Meeting. Chicago, IL. March 2015.
J. Streeter, B. Schickling, S. Jiang, B. Stanic, W.H. Thiel, L. Gakhar, J.C D. Houtman, F.J. Miller. Phosphorylation of Nox1 regulates association with NoxA1 Activation Domain. Circ Res. 2014 Nov 7;115(11):911-8. doi: 10.1161/CIRCRESAHA.115.304267. Epub 2014 Sep 16.
J. Streeter. Networking in academia. EMBO Rep. 2014 Nov;15(11):1109-12. doi: 10.15252/embr.201439626. Epub 2014 Oct 15.
S. Jiang*, J. Streeter*, R. Weiss, F.J. Miller. Nox1 NADPH Oxidase is Necessary for Late But Not Early Ischemic Myocardial Preconditioning. Cardiovascular Research. 2014 Apr 1;102(1):79-87. doi: 10.1093/cvr/cvu027. *Co-first author.